Saturday, February 6, 2021


One year on I am not sure, but I will tell you what I noticed.

Last year, in the summer...I had the most amazing results. I started "Keto" and spent about 16 weeks eating, not only Keto, but more red meat. At the time I was really interested in Carnivore. Though, I know I don't love red meat that much.  At this time I also did fasting - 18:6.

And in my first post diagnosis labs, I had strong results. 

My spike went down from .3 and .2 (I am biclonal) to .2 and .1.  My doctor didn't bother to run any other test (jerk) and I was so hopeful that this would go away. 

My CBC was also very strong.  Every measure of my cells were strong and perfectly normal. My WBCs which have been low came back up to 6.0 (normal for me) and my red blood cells were perfection.  In fact almost every blood test that I had was looking very good. B-12 was normal and on the high side. Ferritin was perfection. My iron was perfectly normal.  And I got my own blood tests to continue to monitor on a monthly basis. Things were looking good. 

For the most part, however, that stopped when the fall came along. I ended up getting a colonoscopy and frankly I think it hurt me. I was forced to eat a lot of carb heavy foods (as they were required for the colonoscopy) and I think I lost a lot water. I pretty much stopped with the meat and I noticed some poor results on blood tests. Such as my GGT result being high. 

In addition, as we moved into the fall my diet slipped from fasting / keto back to a "normal diet". And I was dealing with a poor reaction to the cold.  Finally in October I took a risk and donated blood. Unfortunately, I think hat did hurt me. 

Come November things were not so rosy. First due to the incompetence of my doctors I got lab tests that I wasn't expecting. So yes, it was annoying to see labs result that I had not been aware of.  My spike was back up to .3 and .2 (where it was when I was diagnosed) In addition my IGM immunoglobulin was at 291. Nearly abnormal. Finally I had not had my light chains tested since diagnosis. So that came back with an abnormal ratio. It wasn't a horrible abnormal ratio but I was not at all happy.  

What happened?  Well, not sure, it could have been the blood donation (when I got these lab tests I was only 6 weeks out from donation and I was told that I should not be back to normal until 8 weeks out). And also for it to change so much in four months seems concerning. I also have a crazy theory that the cold weather can be a contributing factor.  Perhaps from the idea I just don't get sun or mentally I am not joyful... not sure.. but it does seem like my results are worse in the winter.  

Did the Keto / fasting and red meat help? I think so.  There is a doctor with MM who is doing carnivore diet and he praises it to high heaven. If red meat helps your immune system stay strong and also helps with ketosis... well.. maybe that is a key factor. 


Well, will you look here.... Tumeric is one of the only natural substances that has peer review studies showing that it does have an effect on blood cancer.  One of the tricky parts is that it is notoriously difficult to absorb.  Over the years we have gotten better at it, learning that it needs fat and pepper to absorb. 

And sure as can be as I looked into structured water I discovered that turmeric helps increase the absorption of Structured Water. Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size

And of course, what reduces it... toxins. Round up.  

All agents known to enhance biological function resulted in EZ expansion. On the other hand, the weed killer, glyphosate, considerably diminished EZ size. 

We hypothesize that EZ buildup may be a mechanistic feature underlying many health-promoting agents, while agents that impair health may act by diminishing the amount of EZ water.  
It appears, then, that all health-promoting substances tested increase the amount of EZ water in concentration ranges reasonably in accord with those anticipated in the body, whereas the health-impairing agent does the opposite.

Finally, why should an increase of EZ water promote health?

Health rests on cell function, which in turn results largely from protein folding. Depending on cell type, the folding of proteins mediates numerous functions: contraction in muscle cells, secretion in secretory cells, information transmission in nerve cells, and so on. We ordinarily consider proteins in isolation, but in fact, proteins are surrounded by interfacial (EZ) water.

This is so amazing to me. This study shows that if you do 3 or 4 things that are healthy for you it will help to increase structured water in the body and, that structured water will help with your health. 

I am finally done with Keto.

Since the start of the pandemic I have been heavily invested in Keto and fasting. What captured my interest was the book, "Anyway you c...