Friday, September 24, 2021

Second Appointment With Dana Farber

This one was not as good. It was a zoo. There were so many people there and things were so disorganized.

I went in as usual for vallet parking but once I entered the doors they put us in a system were we had to get covid checked all on the first floor. So there were tons of people in the elevators and tons of people getting covid checked. I managed to make my way up to the covid check on floor one only to have one of the most rude people ever -500 lb guy in a wheelchair - tell me to get out of the way. 

The nurse told me there was a clear station down on P2 so I went there. 

After that nightmare, I to get blood and again, it was a complete zoo. And frankly I had the same lady take my blood as last time and she couldn't find a vein... gave me a lecture about water. I told her I had taken water this time... but whatever, at least I got called within 5 minutes of check in. 

I went up to floor 6 and that was full too. Last time I went, there was no one around. 

I got my vitals taken and again, their blood pressure machines do not work.. coming back at 130/68. Too high. 

The good news is that my weight has stabilized  I only went up 4 lbs and I think that is fair given the fact that this time I wasn't fasting. 

It was at this point that some of my blood tests came in. Good news on my CBC.. everything came back normal. This is good because I just had the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and I was worried about platelets being too low. But they weren't they were at 185. Normal for me. All the other blood markers were ok as well but for the WBC. The doctor thinks that is due to vaccination. 

The horrible news... was that on my CMP.. my liver enzymes came back crazy elevated... more than I had ever seen in my entire life. And my liver enzymes are usually in good shape.

AST: 131 U/L (normal is less than <33)

ALT: 182 U/L (normal is less than <34)

My guess is that this is due to my week of "sugar" -- I was severely bad this week, having sugar and carbs almost every day due to preparing to start dieting again... but I never ever ever ever thought it could be that bad on my liver. Wow.  I have gotten another test from my primary care and will be resetting in a week to make sure it is the sugar and not something worse.. I will be keto the entire week. I asked the doctor if it could be the vaccine but she didn't think so. Fortunately the liver is one of the best regenerating organs in the body. 

The appointment with the doctor kind of sucked. There wasn't a lot to talk about and most of the tests hadn't come back. I asked about the light chains but she doesn't seem to think they are anything to worry about as long as they stay normal... it seems like they are going higher and I am starting to think that I am going to have to get serious about turmeric and or IP6. But at the moment the results are not exactly accurate. 

Finally my other annoyance is this... the last time I had labs... they were all back immediately. This time... it is taking forever. To me, that says there is a long back log. 

I am finally done with Keto.

Since the start of the pandemic I have been heavily invested in Keto and fasting. What captured my interest was the book, "Anyway you c...