Monday, April 17, 2023

Update: my M-spike went away.

So at my December 2022 Dana Farber appointment I was stunned and very happy to get this result...

Protein Electrophoresis:
-Immunofixation shows a faint M-spike that is not apparent on the
electropherogram and, therefore, cannot be quantitated.

Now I know, a previous doctor already warned me, the electrophoresis is just an interpretation and not an exact value.  So it might show up slightly more more or slightly less depending on the judgment of the person looking at it.  And I know... plenty of people on the MGUS group have had the Mspike go away and come back. 

But, this is the first time in 3 years that the spike could "not be quantitated."  I feel like this means progress.

My light chains are still slightly high and my IGM is also slightly high. But I would imagine it would take time to clear if the clone went away. 

I guess we will see. My doctor doesn't want me coming back for a year but I am still planning on getting IGM tests every 4 months to make sure that isn't increasing. 

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