Monday, November 1, 2021

Insulin, not sugar, causes cancer

I stumbled on this lecture the other day. At first I had a hard time understanding what he was saying... because it is very science tech. But basically... he is talking about how insulin (not sugar) kicks off cancer.  He talks about lipid that is formed in order to use Insulin.  P13K.  And, then it comes out, P13K is flat out cancer causing.  At first, he talks about a mutation that is involved in most cancers (but not blood cancers unfortunately).  And he talks about how there is a drug to inhibit P13K. And that has shown promise. 

But in the end, the reality is, combining the P13K inhibitor AND a keto diet has been shown over and over again to just destroy the cancer.  But it takes both.

The key point.... they don't know why yet... but yes, this destroys blood cancer as well. 

The problem with the P13K inhibitor drug alone is that when we use it and still eat carbs, our sugar goes crazy. But if we do the P13K inhibitor AND a keto diet... you will be able to reduce insulin without the sugar.

Great comment:

Around 33:30 you can see the issue. Basically, the entire body becomes resistant to insulin except cancer tumors, which are exquisitely sensitive to it. It's almost as if the biology is saying, if you keep getting more insulin resistant, I'll make new cells that aren't resistant. But cancers are really rogue cells that opportunistically take advantage of a good food supply and forced-feeding environment (chronically high glucose and insulin).

Later someone asks a question about if low insulin can lead to no cancer and, of course, he can't answer that... but what he says is brilliant.... you can't keep your body from a mutation but, you can keep that mutation from taking off. And think about it... if you were able to arrest all of your mutations so that they didn't grow out of control (caused by excess insulin) you could avoid cancer as we know it. 

In fact, it occurs to me that the more sensitive you make your regular body tissues to insulin the less insulin your regular body will have hanging around. Thus, every single year that you exclude carbs and make your body more and more insulin sensitive, the less likely you will be to be able to have cancer. 

So, for example, age 48, you begin a keto diet and get your fasting insulin down from 8 to 6. But still, 6 is relatively high. You stay on this, and by age 50 your fasting insulin drops to 5. You stay on this and by age 52 your fasting insulin is down to 3.  Think how far it is from 8 to 3. Your entire body now is back to the sensitivity it might have had at 20 years old.  Now it is just that much further away from any possibility of insulin puffing up a mutated cell. 

The goal then is to make your body insulin sensitive to avoid any chance of cancer. 

I am finally done with Keto.

Since the start of the pandemic I have been heavily invested in Keto and fasting. What captured my interest was the book, "Anyway you c...