Well, will you look here.... Tumeric is one of the only natural substances that has peer review studies showing that it does have an effect on blood cancer. One of the tricky parts is that it is notoriously difficult to absorb. Over the years we have gotten better at it, learning that it needs fat and pepper to absorb.
And sure as can be as I looked into structured water I discovered that turmeric helps increase the absorption of Structured Water. Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size
And of course, what reduces it... toxins. Round up.
All agents known to enhance biological function resulted in EZ expansion. On the other hand, the weed killer, glyphosate, considerably diminished EZ size.
We hypothesize that EZ buildup may be a mechanistic feature underlying many health-promoting agents, while agents that impair health may act by diminishing the amount of EZ water.
It appears, then, that all health-promoting substances tested increase the amount of EZ water in concentration ranges reasonably in accord with those anticipated in the body, whereas the health-impairing agent does the opposite.Finally, why should an increase of EZ water promote health?
Health rests on cell function, which in turn results largely from protein folding. Depending on cell type, the folding of proteins mediates numerous functions: contraction in muscle cells, secretion in secretory cells, information transmission in nerve cells, and so on. We ordinarily consider proteins in isolation, but in fact, proteins are surrounded by interfacial (EZ) water.5
This is so amazing to me. This study shows that if you do 3 or 4 things that are healthy for you it will help to increase structured water in the body and, that structured water will help with your health.
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