Saturday, June 26, 2021

Finally a great appointment with a doctor at Dana Farber: Part One.

I have only been seeing doctors for MGUS since February of 2020. But most of them were less than good imho. I was first referred to a Hematologist/ Oncologist at my local doctors practice. Upon entering the room she 1. Told me MGUS was nothing and 2. spoke the entire visit almost not letting me have a word in edgewise. 

Ok fine, no matter I had an appointment at Dana Farber with a very important doctor... but, and perhaps this was due to the Pandemic, we met via zoom and he spoke non stop for the entire visit until such time as he said bye and ended the chat.

Ok fine, he referred me back to my hematologist. With specific instructions that I should be seen every three months for the first few years.

When I returned to my local Hematologist / Oncologist, she told me she was leaving the practice. So I had to pick another one. That one wasn't available until January 2021. We agreed I would have labs placed but for some odd reason (that I don't buy) she said that she couldn't direct when the labs would be done. If I went for any blood tests they would be done. So I went in November of 2020. 

And then I had the appointment with her in January 2021. I have previously written about that.

Four doctors all imho pretty bad. 

Finally I demanded that I be seen at Dana Farber in the correct department.  I have IGM MGUS, so, I need to be followed with specialists in IGM. So I did my research and I made an appointment with Dr. Shayna Sarosiek, MD at the Bing Center for Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia. Why was I happy to get Dr. Sarosiek? She is young first of all... so she can presumably stay with me for my lifetime with this... secondly she doesn't seem overburdened or too big for her britches. I went yesterday.. and I am happy to report a good appointment. 

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