Tuesday, January 26, 2021


More and more, as I look into what causes cancer I just continue to come back to one thing: Water and Dehydration.

When we look at the experiments with the Extracellular Matrix, it seems apparent that having a "hard" or stiff ECM, allows the cell inside it to start to break down.  It is the ECM that holds the cell in place and keeps it from proliferating.  In fact, the ECM is only made of a few things... water and collagen being part of it.

Then, there are those that say the same with regard to the cytoplam of the cells. That is is the inner layer of the cell that causes it to turn rogue. 

Lack of water does make some sense in that:

  1. As we age, we lose the ability to concentrate our urine as well, causing more dehydration without us having a clue. And cancer does seem to occur more often with age. 
  2. Water is, H2O, so it has oxygen. It has been suggested for a while that cancer begins due to "hypoxia" at the tissue level. So if we are not getting sufficient water, then we may not be getting sufficient oxygen at some tissues. 
  3. Water assists in circulation which of course, can assist in avoiding hypoxia. 
But still it doesn't totally make sense. More than ever we are hyper aware of our water intake and we drink plenty of water. Go to "You tube" and you will see people drinking a gallon of water a day. IMHO that is way too much. My urine gets clear at about 4 cups of water. No, no, something is wrong with this equation. It is as if the water quality we are getting is not doing its job. Like we are drinking but still dehydrated. 

And then I found it... the water we are currently drinking is not proper water. There is a kind of water out there what will hydrate you better, is better for your cells, and will increase circulation. And this isn't bull this is actually science. 


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