Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Bummed out some more...

 Do not get it.  My results are super confusing. 

  • HS-CRP: so I got the results of the highly sensitive C-reactive Protein... and it was 4.0. That is high. You should have a result under 1.0.  I am really shocked at that. 
  • CRP: last time I got blood tests I got regular CRP... and guess what.... my results has gone down since January.  So in January I was at 6.0. Under 8.0 is normal. This time I was down to 4.0.
So, explain this to me will you? 1/2 my inflammation biomarkers come back high, and the other half come back low.  Also, I have lost 20 lbs since January so you would think that would reduce inflammation?

Well some good news..

  • IGM: my IGM came back at 277. So that is still normal. Because I have this tested so frequently I am now starting to consider that my IGM just hovers in the high 200s and perhaps... always has. Of course that can be related to my clonal cell but, isn't it possible that we all have different levels of normal? At this same time this kind of worries me... does this, combined with the inflammation mean I have some sort of chronic infection? 
So, my theories. On the day before I got these tests I mistakenly had a lot of sodium. I purchased a can of wax beans forgetting that canned veggies are put in a salt brine.  I ate the entire large can and later learned that it had 3.5 servings at 390 mg of sodium PER SERVING. (1200 mg in the entire can) Since I have eaten a low sodium diet my entire life I may be overly sensitive to salt... I knew it happened right after I ate it because I was soo thirsty.  I suspect that the generalized CRP may take little while to increase while the other inflammatory markers go up immediately.  This to me suggests an acute insult to the body.

In addition, I have really been eating salt with abandon. I even take an electrolyte supplement that is full of salt. Primarily because I was told fasting will deplete it.  But perhaps I have been doing too much. 

Also my ferittin is elevated.  This leads me to believe I might be overdoing it with the red meats. I am having ground beef almost daily and then also having a large steak about 1x per week.  I have always been sensitive to too much iron and now that I am not menstruating any longer I will have to be careful. I did have my iron tested last year and it was right in the middle but still -- need to watch it. 

Once again I have to call out the incompetence of my doctors.. almost every single test that I had elevated -- when I look it up... it says it is related to blood cancer. But do you think my doctors tested any of it? Nope.  All of these simple and cheap blood tests $12.00 for some of them, can give me valuable information, but they SIMPLY REFUSE. They are so f***ing cheap. Thank god I can get my own.

My plan is to flush the system out, reduce my sodium, and retest. If these biomarkers are elevated again.. I will know I have a problem. 

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